What is Grits?

Dr. Lance Robert Term for our Strategy is GRITS: Intense Growth Mindset strategies for Young African-American Men for their short and long term enrichment/ empowerment. We begin and end with mentoring because we truly believe that “What They See Is What They’ll Be”®. And it is effective – according to new research from David DuBois, Ph.D., “Mentoring is a strategic intervention that gives communities a way to multiply their support for young people.” In the Long Beach Chapter's mentoring program we have created our own blend of "Growth Mindset" Training for young men color.
Our Growth Mindset Training (GRITS) concepts include influences by
- Growth Mindset led by Dr. Angela Duckworth, Carol Dweck)
- "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill and the development of persistence
- Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development
- Goal Setting (SMART):Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely
- Topics on Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and so many others
- Mentoring the 100 Way
- We are looking for innovative strategies to share with our young men
We have known for years that our young men have "limitless" potential through partnering to help them reach their potential. We are currently mentoring over 200 young men 8-18 years old on an annual basis. We have an average attendance of 35 young men per mentoring session at California State University, Long Beach.
However, we need your financial help in continuing our mission. Please consider a donation to assist us in providing our current and future services. Our goal is to raise $20,000 annually based our estimate of $700 per young man to attend our monthly "Mindset and personal empowerment" mentoring sessions along with our annual "UCLA African American Intensive Literacy Program" and our "Moot Court" training to improve public speaking, debating skills and fundamental understanding of the Law/Rights.
"We are a special people,
We're the Best and the Brightest our ancestors ever produced"
-James Weldon Johnson, writer (Click here for his biography)
We're the Best and the Brightest our ancestors ever produced"
-James Weldon Johnson, writer (Click here for his biography)
The 100 black Men of Long Beach Mentoring over the years